A look at where I‘m at with my Strength goals for 2019 right now.
- Once-a-week Kettlebell workouts have been happening regularly, but not on days when I am not home, so less than once a week.
- I have added slomo Deadlifts (with the 24KG kettlebell) to the mix to work on my Swing technique.
- Turkish Get-Up: I am currently alternating between 8KG (for very slow reps) and 12KG (for normal speed reps)
- 50 one-legged rope skips (per leg) are doable now. Re-setting the goal to 75.
- One-minute planks are feeling better. So I’ll work towards 2 minutes.
- I am adding a Chloe Bruce mini-warmup workout and mobility routine to my daily routine here and there for variability. Will write more on that later!
- Will work more regularly (twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays) – on pulling strength and my extensors.
- Keep logging my weekly workouts, for consistency and conscious practise.
And you? What are your strength goals for 2019?