SELFIEQUEEN intro – For the curious ones amongst you..
Here is a snippet of the class introduction, why I felt so ‘urged’ to share this topic.
And.. give my latest IG caroussel a swipe to see results!

A question first.. Is it important to have the skills to make self-portraits?
It depends.
If it somehow ‘draws’ you, OR you notice you’re actively avoiding the topic, then probably.. yes.
Why? Because it matters how we see ourselves.
We have to power to change it.
Being ‘photogenic’ not so much a matter of genetics than it is of knowledge, practice and skill.
And the good news is.. ANYONE can learn it.
Even better news: Once you know it, you know it forever.
Then the fun bit starts.
You can get creative, and start to show/find/express different aspects of yourself.
You can BECOME. Instantly.
Whoever/whatever you want to be.
A second reason..
For those of you who teach, work for themselves, speak publicly, and/or are promoting causes they feel strongly about..
..these days, it matters more and more how we are seen.
It all starts with ourselves.
We have to see our potential, our possibilities first.
Then make. Create. Share.
To get our message across, out into the world, for our work to become seen, we first have to SHOW it.
And feeling more confident in doing so, using whatever means you have RIGHT NOW, will help.
In a way, all the things I am creating right now (the free 20 day #introchallenge, this #selfiequeen workshop, and my online #boost program) are designed to be ways to help dancers re-find themselves.
Your confidence. Your movement. Your ability to create.
Don’t wait.
Show your work NOW.
It might just inspire others.
It’s not about perfectionism. Or having to be/look a certain way.
It’s about creating visuals that speak to YOU. And to those you want to share them with.
And you can use those to communicate.
Tap here to find a few of the amazing pictures that were made by our participants right after taking this WS.
If you have any questions about what I offer, let me know.

PS: You can still get the SelfieQUEEN recordings via this link
And you can find an overview of all my online offerings HERE