APPRECIATION – Sometimes we need a jolt.
A shock. A loss. A sadness.
When something (or someone) is no longer there, we’ll suddenly realize what is important.
We’ll know, right away, deep in our hearts, what it is that really counts.
Loss teaches us.
To appreciate our luck, our privilege, to be here at all.
Alive. Somehow.
We all have this time here on earth. Not much.
And yet, it is abundant.
It’s enough. If we want.
It’s exactly what we make of it.
So. What will we do with this time that we have?

A bit on the darker side? Maybe.
When trees are cut (I just learned that this beauty was felled), I feel it. Deeply.
They were here before us.
Without them we (humans) wouldn’t even be here now.
They can get thousands of years old.
They live.
They keep others (and each other) alive. We should learn more about them.
Good bye stranger friend.
Thank you so much dear Rosa Engel for leading us here catching this moment, just a few months ago.
PS: For those who do want to learn more about them, this is a great place to start.