2025.. THE CLEANUP – As you are reading this, I’ve just finished a massive ‘clear up’, the one I was speaking about during the latest live chat (*)
(*) Ok, we are still in the thick of it, actually.. But right now it’s the digital part 😅
Donating clothes, deep cleaning ‘forgotten’ corners, clearing out drawers, releasing things that do not ‘spark joy’ (and with it.. ideas/parts of our identity that no longer resonate)
It always shifts and releases a huge amount of unexpeced energy.
Things (or even ideas) that have been stagnating for days/months/years (or er.. a decade?)
They can block us, unseen, from evolving in our life.
It feels like shedding part of your identity (which is kind of an illusion anyway.. right?)
Even though the clearing out was mostly in the physical realm (our home) the effect it always has is more like clearing out whatever is holding us back from being fully ourselves.
We grow, we expand.
But only if we can stop holding on to what/who we think we were before.
The new you, the light.. it needs air, cleanness, space to come into your life.
Even though letting go may not be my strongest point (ahem!) I do feel more joyful, free, and energized in a positive way.
So.. How about you? Do you feel the same?
Have you been doing a purge/cleanup in your home (or life!) recently?
How did you feel afterwards?
Did anything change in your life around that time?
Let me know in the comments below! 👇👇👇
Xx K.
PS: Speaking of fresh energy.. you can still join me for online BOOST 2025!
Keep an eye out in my stories and posts for all details.
Better yet, tap here to enroll and join us today!