Inspiration, Movement


The mystical grey Heron, said to be messenger of the Gods. A symbol of grace, patience, dignity, precision, independence, self-knowlegdge, wisdom, discipline, light, and rebirth. This image (taken this weekend behind our home, during the 2-day fog) reminded me of the saying that our senses are only designed to perceive a fraction of reality. Good… Read More Perception

Martial Arts, Movement

Meet Paper Cut

Jong-I Begi, or paper cutting, is one of the main testing (and competition) disciplines of Haidong Gumdo (Korean Sword Art). It may seem simple, but it takes skill, mental discipline and practise to achieve a clean, even and precise cut across the full width of the paper at each attempt. Paper cutting is used to measure… Read More Meet Paper Cut

Movement, Strength

The Mighty Kettlebell

This post is an ode to the Kettlebell, the portable iron gym. As posted yesterday, for the past year Pavel Tsatsouline’s excellent ‘Simple & Sinister’ Kettlebell workout book has been my go-to functional strength (and cardio!) workout method, combined with rope skipping. I was inspired to educate myself on Kettlebells after completing Monika Volkmars Dance Stronger program… Read More The Mighty Kettlebell


Simple & Sinister

Today’s book is a digital one, ‘Simple & Sinister by Pavel Pavel Tsatsouline. It has been my go-to resource for strength work for the past year. It covers a simple, but extremely effective (and fun – to me!) program/routine using kettlebells, about which I will write more tomorrow. PS: Check out this fascinating podcast interview with… Read More Simple & Sinister

Inspiration, Movement

Retaining the Work

Experiences are stored in our long-term memory the moment we try to retrieve them. Next to that, visualising ourselves performing complex (or simple!) movements with great focus will activate the very same parts of our brain that light up when we DO execute that movement. I have found that creating notes AFTER I’ve taken a… Read More Retaining the Work