Dance, Movement

If the Shoe fits..

Today’s post is all about pointe shoe sizes. I’ve received a few questions about which pointe shoes I dance with currently. At the moment I use Grishko’s ‘Dreampointes’, size 5 1/2 XXX MF for class. For the very curious: I wear them in with Grishko gel toe pads model 2, and a smidge of silver spun lambs… Read More If the Shoe fits..

Martial Arts, Movement

The Way of the Sword

This weekend Mr E and I were lucky enough to participate in our very first Haidong Gumdo (Korean Sword Art) Geup/Kup (Coloured Belt) test, held in Cologne, Germany. It was an interesting, tiring, yet uplifting, exciting and deeply enriching day. The testing itself was preceded by an in-depth 3-hour seminar by ‘our’ GrandMaster Seung-Eun Chae. We… Read More The Way of the Sword

Movement, Strength

Wearable Strength

Do you practise with ankle/wrist weights? If not (yet), I highly recommend it! I occasionally use very light (0,5kg) wrist weights for practising ballet port de bras (arm pathways) as well as for working on fluid arm and wrist movements in bellydance. I use them in the warmup of my streaming/ downloadable bellydance instructional DVD… Read More Wearable Strength

Books, Movement

Classical Ballet Technique

Good dancers possess strong bodies, courageous hearts, and intelligent minds. Classical Ballet Technique – Gretchen Ward Warren. This book is an absolute treasure for anyone learning or teaching ballet. 416 pages filled to the brim with technique tips, explanations and crystal clear pictures of every possible ballet movement, transition, position and jump. It helped me figure… Read More Classical Ballet Technique

Flexibility, Movement

Free to Move

I’ve always considered myself extremely lucky in the teacher department. To each of the teachers in my life I owe parts of my current Self. They have contributed to my growth, happiness, knowledge, skill set, inspiration, love of learning, love of movement, love of music, love of language, and love of life. Their teachings as… Read More Free to Move



We already re-shape our world by creating every day. So why not do it consciously? And, while we do that, let’s make of it the best we can. Sing, write, dance, speak, draw, move, capture, practise – go and create something today. Inspired by Todd Henry’s Daily Creative Podcast on creating daily (very meta!) and this… Read More Create

Movement, Nature


A change in perspective can widen your world. The same goes for exposing yourself to new sensory input, learning a different language, encountering something you’ve never seen/heard/smelled/tasted/felt before, traveling to a new-to-you place, asking different questions, or finding a way of moving that is slightly unfamiliar to you. Try taking in your environment from a… Read More Perspective


The Pointe Book

“You don’t point your feet. You lengthen them to the end of the extremity. It is not static. You need the energy flow.” The Pointe Book: Shoes, Training, Technique  – by Janice Barringer and Sarah Schleßinger. This book covers everything one needs to know (and more!) for learning or teaching to go on pointes. From… Read More The Pointe Book