Movement, Nature

Summer Views

VIEWS – Some things only get more beautiful through the years. Mom’s gorgeous garden by the Meuse. Always makes me happy to see it. Enjoy!!  

Movement, Nature

Eschweiler Wald and Clouds

A wonderful walk (with dramatic clouds) together with Mr. E in Eschweiler Wald. We’re at the half-way point of this year as I write this. A perfect time to look back (and  ahead), don’t you think? What do you dream of for the next part of this year? Please share in the comment below! Enjoy!


Time Traveling Taxes

TAXES and TIME TRAVELING So. I finished my tax return yesterday. (which means I am feeling like an actual adult today – almost :)) Taxes (for dance) are the strangest thing. Whenever I do my tax return for a full year in one go (2020 in this case), it makes me re-live what I experienced.… Read More Time Traveling Taxes

Dance, Martial Arts, Movement


FRESH INPUT – It can do so much for us. For the better. I recently got myself a new pair of pointe shoes for ballet. It’s a different brand than I am used to (Merlet, used to be Grishko) with a totally different feel. And I notice 2 things: 1 . Different sensations, even very… Read More Recalibrating

Movement, Nature

Time Traveling

Two weeks ago we went for a family walk in Viversel, the town I grew up in in Limburg, Belgium It’s quite a strange feeling to walk the paths of my youth after more than 30 years (we moved away when I was twelve) Things look different, feel different. Still familiar. Everything changes. So do… Read More Time Traveling