Dance, Movement

Once a Dancer

ONCE A DANCER.. What happens if you don’t dance ‘for real’ for almost two years? Do you still feel like a dancer? Can you still call yourself that? The urge to create dances.. will it ever come back? For me it was unclear. The past 18 months have been a struggle at times. To cope… Read More Once a Dancer

Inspiration, Movement

Sharpened Vision

SHARPENED VISION What apparent limitations (or hurdles) have actually helped you see things more clearly/act more creatively in life? 1. For me, seeing my LIMITATIONS in dance early on (lack of balance, trouble with leg work and turns/transitions) led me to take on (and still deeply love!) adult ballet. It has helped my dancing enormously.… Read More Sharpened Vision

Martial Arts, Movement

Concentration Station

CONCENTRATION – a super power that can be used to create lasting changes, spurts of growth and deep transformation. In physics and in life. How? When you focus all of your attention, all your power into ONE though, ONE moment, ONE action, amazing things can happen. Creating art. Learning a skill. Kick-starting a Transformation. Or..… Read More Concentration Station

Movement, Nature

New Tree Friend

Encountered this beautiful Linde/Lime tree on a walk through the town yesterday. I love seeing the first leaves turn at the start of autumn 🍂 What’s your favourite season?

Inspiration, Movement

Healthier Habits

HABITS – we all have them. And, whether we are conscious of them or not, they have the POWER to literally direct our lives. So, better to get to know them, no? LET ME KNOW What is one small good habit you’d like to keep/establish/make stronger in the coming month? What positive effects would this… Read More Healthier Habits

Martial Arts, Movement


What is a DOBOK? It’s the uniform you wear for practicing Korean Martial Arts Do stands for ‘way’ Bok means ‘clothing’ There are different kinds, the most common ones worn for Taekwondo are: fully white (for any level) white with black collar (for dan/black belt grade) white with black collar & coloured trousers (for forms… Read More Dobok-ology

Inspiration, Movement

Go for It

THE TIME IS NOW. Do you ever think (or feel) ‘I am too old (or: it’s too late) to start with… xyz ?’ Don’t believe that thought. There is more learning potential in each of us. We can change, evolve, grow. Learn new skills. My first pointes class was at 37 (I still love it… Read More Go for It

Inspiration, Movement

Thai Pumpkin Soup

PUMPKIN SOUP – Yess, it’s that time again. I wanted to re-share this recipe, but I just realized I haven’t actually posted it here yet. Healthy, hearty, warming and tasty. And best of all, it’s super easy to make. You can adjust the amounts depending on the pumpkin size, or simply use whatever you have… Read More Thai Pumpkin Soup