Movement, Strength

February Strength

I’ve started working with Kettlebells again during the past few weeks – as per my December plan – but thus far I haven’t yet re-started my rope skipping routine. If I’m feeling brave, rope skips will be added again next week 🙂 This was today’s session: Kettlebells Simple & Sinister warmup 3 x the following set… Read More February Strength

Inspiration, Movement


Feels like a great day to take a moment to contemplate.. love. Who and what do we love? Why? What (and whom) in this life do we feel grateful for? How can we share this? How can we expand it? What can we do to make this world, and all the beings in it –… Read More Love

Movement, Nature

The oldest Rose

With Valentine’s day just around the corner – and it’s own interesting links to Greek (geek!) mythology – let us delve into the world of roses. Rose Facts Did you know: The oldest rose fossils are at least 35 million years old? (found in Colorado) The oldest still living rose (bush) is the ‘thousand-year-rose’ of Hildesheim (‘home… Read More The oldest Rose

Movement, Nature


When nothing is taken for granted.. We’ll grow to appreciate. Love. Nature. Life. From our walk in Hürtgenwald. Hang in there. And feel free to reach out if you can use a virtual ear.

Dance, Movement

New Beginnings

Every day, we can learn something new. If all goes well, I’ll be taking my first Contemporary Dance class tonight at the Ballet school. I’m a bit nervous – I don’t really know yet what to expect – but I’m looking forward, and I’ll be finding out how it feels soon enough. I will be… Read More New Beginnings

Movement, Nature

Old and New

Every time we (re)visit our beloved Eschweiler wald, we discover nee things, and rediscover familiar ones. Even though it is the ‘same’ place. It changes. We change. We never walk in the same forest twice, we never walk the same path twice. How have you changed during this year? What has been changed for you?

Dance, Movement

Taqsim Tips

This is an updated version (2024) of this post 🙂 As a surprise bonus, this blog post (and remastering/revisiting the Oriental Choreo course for my online BOOST Membership) reminded me that creativity is born while you actually do the work – so there’s not much sense really in waiting for inspiration to come visit. And..… Read More Taqsim Tips