Movement, Nature

Walking in the Rain

This Saturday it was rainy, grey, and chilly outside. Perfect weather for a woodland walk. I love the forest when it rains. Hearing the raindrops on the branches, on the leaves, and on your head. Stepping in puddles on the paths. The forest floor feels more alive. Everything looks cleaner, clearer (at least when it… Read More Walking in the Rain

Movement, Nature

Goals for Life

For life and love. In 2019 I‘d like to keep the momentum going of: Enjoying the moment, completely, consciously, at least once a day Breathing deeply Spending time in the forest – at least 1-2 times a week Reading books and articles about trees, and nature in general Contemplating the Clouds Enjoying sunsets (and sunrises!)… Read More Goals for Life

Movement, Nature

Frosty Forest Fiends

We figured it would be a crisp and cool winter walk today, yet still sunny enough to don our favourite hoodies. It was. Kind of. Almost. Frosty views of our walk along the Eifeler Struffelt route today.  

Movement, Nature

The Buds are Waiting

The shortest day (as well as a Meteor Shower, a Mercury–Jupiter Conjunction and this year’s last full Moon) is fast approaching. We’ve had frost already in November, and even a bit of snow this week. We’re in the heart of winter, greeting soon the longest nights. And yet. Every morning, when I look outside the kitchen window, I see the buds… Read More The Buds are Waiting

Movement, Nature


A change in perspective can widen your world. The same goes for exposing yourself to new sensory input, learning a different language, encountering something you’ve never seen/heard/smelled/tasted/felt before, traveling to a new-to-you place, asking different questions, or finding a way of moving that is slightly unfamiliar to you. Try taking in your environment from a… Read More Perspective

Movement, Nature

Find the Gold

Remember find the green? It counts for other colours, too. If you can, get outside today and go find something beautiful. PS: if you find it, and happen to capture it – share below!