Eschweiler Wald
Catching a moment at our beloved Eschweiler Wald 🌿 We got ourselves a muddy leg! A ‘natural badge’ for testing our jumping strength.
Catching a moment at our beloved Eschweiler Wald 🌿 We got ourselves a muddy leg! A ‘natural badge’ for testing our jumping strength.
Gorgeous summer evening walk in Langerwehe – Biberbachtal (Eifel) It’s a circular walk of about 2,5 hours. We had a surprise visit by a wild boar! Not pictured 🙂 Enjoy!
The many views of Blausteinsee. Horizon upon horizon. Enjoy!
Gorgeous greens before, during and after the rains in Eschweiler Wald. Enjoy!
This weekend‘s spring-y walk in Eschweiler Wald. So much green. Enjoy!
A fresh spring walk, dramatic clouds and evening light at Blausteinsee. Enjoy!
Yesterday’s gorgeous evening walk with Mr. E in Brander Wald. Enjoy!
Happy Easter ✨ What does Spring mean to you? I love that there is more light again, birds are singing, there’s bright green grass in the fields, fresh flowers and leaves popping up everywhere, deer hopping about, bumblebees buzzing, magnolia is in bloom, and even mosquitoes are dancing. Waking up. Nature is waking up.… Read More Spring Magnolia
Yesterdays walk in Eschweiler wald was too beautiful not to share. We were able to catch the forest after a gush of rain, so the air was fresh, everything still glistened, the birds were singing and the clouds, the light were gorgeous. We even encountered 2 deer on our way home. Enjoy! For videos of… Read More Spring Feelings
LISTENING IN – so much can be learned from this. If we let it happen. Life is full of opportunities to tune in. If you really took the time right now to follow your intuition.. To check in with your deepest Self. What would you discover? PS: For those who do want to learn more… Read More Listening In