Movement, Nature

Shall we Dance?

SHALL WE DANCE – To flow with life. To move with what is. No judgements. No thoughts. No wishes. Just being. We doubt. We grow. We learn. Letting go. Let’s see where this one takes us. What are you learning today? PS: To learn more about trees and how they live, this is a good… Read More Shall we Dance?

Movement, Nature


APPRECIATION – Sometimes we need a jolt. A shock. A loss. A sadness. When something (or someone) is no longer there, we’ll suddenly realize what is important. We’ll know, right away, deep in our hearts, what it is that really counts. Loss teaches us. To appreciate our luck, our privilege, to be here at all.… Read More Appreciation

Movement, Nature

Blausteinsee Views

Yesterdays evening walk at Blausteinsee. Gorgeous clouds, movement, an epic sunset and good company. Good things. All free. Enjoy! And you? What are your favorite free things to do, know, see, be?

Movement, Nature

Fall Beauty

I love the colours, scents, sounds and quieter moods of fall. They invite me to turn inward, to rest.. reflect. To take in the ever changing views. Letting thoughts and feelings come and go, go with the flow. A reminder that everything is in motion. And all things are moving unseen. What is your favorite… Read More Fall Beauty

Movement, Nature

Above and Below

Walking the ‘other side’ of Eschweiler wald. All the way up to the highest point, and then back down again. A blustery fall evening with beautiful views. Mushrooms, meadows, movement, and Mr. E Let’s keep moving, as best we can. Enjoy!