Movement, Strength

The Invisible Work

With any kind of progressive training, for strength or for other skills, it can be easy to forget that the magic really happens in between the practise sessions. And that the times where we struggle is where we learn/grow the most. The body (and mind) adapts after the training, to the stresses that the training… Read More The Invisible Work

Books, Movement

The Art of Learning

Of course there were plateaus, periods when my results leveled off while I internalized the information necessary for my next growth spurt, but I didn’t mind. Another book for the re-reading list is The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin.

Inspiration, Movement

Under the Skin

An inspiration for this week‘s posts, and very much fitting the apparent theme, has been Mr. Russell Brand‘s  fantastic ‘Under the Skin’ podcast. I deeply enjoyed listening to episode nr 42(!) with Prof. Barry Smith. It touches on the multitudes of human senses (ie many more than the 5 that get all the attention), and their fascinating… Read More Under the Skin

Martial Arts, Movement

Sharpening the Senses

Practising with a blindfold. During a weekend seminar for Haidong Gumdo this November, a few of the exercises we did were executed with our eyes closed/blindfolded, to help sharpen our senses. It was an interesting and enriching experience. Removing sight from the equation tells you exactly where you are ‘at’, training-wise. It slows you right… Read More Sharpening the Senses