Inspiration, Movement

Visual Power

SELFIEQUEEN intro – For the curious ones amongst you.. Here is a snippet of the class introduction, why I felt so ‘urged’ to share this topic. And.. give my latest IG caroussel a swipe to see results! A question first.. Is it important to have the skills to make self-portraits? It depends. If it somehow… Read More Visual Power

Inspiration, Movement

Happy U-Day <3

SHOWING YOURSELF. And SEEING yourself. With kindness. Not always easy, is it? So often we are much more self critical than we realize. But we all want to feel beautiful, powerful(!) and loved. No? Because, deep down, I think we must know we already ARE. Experimenting with (self-portrait) photography can have a kind of healing… Read More Happy U-Day

Movement, Nature

Blausteinsee Light

Loved the light at Blausteinsee today. You know, sometimes you just need to get outside and BREATHE for a moment. We did. And we were rewarded with a refreshing, invigorating and surprisingly adventurous (read: we veered off the regular path! but found our way back.. eventually) walk. Also. We saw a murder. ENJOY! (and scroll… Read More Blausteinsee Light

Dance, Movement


Ok, I want to dive a bit deeper into this topic with you..  On CONNECTION. (BOOSTies! We’ll play with this a bit more THIS Friday) INTROS – What’s the MOST important? CONNECTION. To yourself, your music, your audience. In that order. Even (especially!) when you’re facing AWAY from the audience. How do you do it? You… Read More Connection

Dance, Movement

On Creativity & Intros

ON CREATIVITY Here’s the thing: There’s often SO MUCH you can do to set the tone of your intro/dance/performance that it can be hard to know where to start sometimes. Having TOO MANY options can get intimidating/overwhelming. Right? This is why I love keeping things SIMPLE. Never mind the movements. Trust that the ideas will… Read More On Creativity & Intros

Movement, Nature

Blausteinsee Sunset

Gorgeous sunlight on our latest walk around the Blausteinsee. Not the first walk of the year, but the first time Mr. E and I were out and about early enough to have light enough for pictures 🙂 Enjoy!

Inspiration, Movement


IF YOU WANT SOMETHING.. GO GET IT! That’s my wish/motivation for us all for 2022 I read this quote somewhere last year, and it really lit a spark under my (sometimes a bit lazy ) booty! We can do/learn SO MUCH, if we:  Prioritize taking care of ourselves  Focus on the right (for us!) things… Read More GO GET IT